PineapplePizza What about making it simple in 'drop shipping' repairs and coolant? Spawn an APC object that drops from the sky, informs enemies via 'enemy supply drop nearby', since the apc driverless set it to 'disconnect' and erase itself after 3 minutes. Saves on all the hassles of a player or bot driven vehicle.
Otherwise think it would be a cool idea for a 'mobile pit-stop' even if it was slow to deploy but had just enough AA to scare off them pesky aeros. At minimum, perhaps the current APC can top your coolant off for maps like Inferno to be more useful along with ammo.
Though probably not a priority unless team sizes were much larger (joe player doesn't want to sit around), there was a mercenary component, or we could show that some maps are made better by sneaking in a base.
Which maps would really best benefit from a faster 'time to engagement' by having these in place? (e.g. maps which simply take >2 minutes to find any sort of repair base?)