This might seem a bit gimmicky, but hear me out. So I was playing the other day and I thought to myself, BF2/CoD style perks would be just swell. I don't mean game-breaking nonsense for the folks that rack up ∞/0 K/D ratios, but rather tactical perks that give a losing team some, keyword here, "dynamic" semblance of recovery.
I haven't fleshed anything out really. Just musings for now. But offhand, for example let's say an artillery strike at 100 ticket difference. Or at 200 ticket difference, a destructible dropship that be called down. It'd basically be a momentary forward base until it flies away (despawns) or is obliterated by substantial, sustained fire. At 50 ticket difference, maybe one of those Mobile Field Bases (also destructible and despawns) can be air dropped and driven. Perhaps those bases with no ammo/repair or mech bays could accumulate a number of perk points to launch said items.
My thoughts behind this are mainly rooted around providing more unique scenarios for catching back up in a losing fight. We all know we can get lighter mechs, folks can switch teams, folks can quit, etc. But it can be a bit of a stagnant tactic. Especially depending on the winning team. Those lights can get roflstomped a lot of times, and areos... They're not always an option for some players.
Anyway, food for thought. Opinions?