A Mechwarrior Online/ Mechwarrior Living Legends Mercenary Unit.
Shock and Awe is our calling card.
The Aces have long served as a high-profile mercenary unit; with the best equipment, the finest officers, and a fleet of support personnel. We practice the military doctrine of rapid dominance: The use of overwhelming power and spectacular displays of force to destroy the enemy's will to fight.
The Aces are given the highest profile assignments that guarantee the most media coverage, the better to distract the public from the discreet operations of other units.
In the years before the Clan Invasion, The Aces fielded significant numbers of exclusive Aces mechs, most notably fielding the highest number of Battlemechs of any line battlion . Today we have a core of Assault King Crabs and Battlemasters, backed by a significant number of Light Raven's amongst our ranks.
Core Values
Communication, teamwork, and tactics.
Communication is the lock, the door, and the key. If you don't have that, you have nothing. Once you can take that first step, teamwork is the goal. An Ace is a person who can be there for his team. We don't stand alone. Period.
Our calling card-- Shock and awe. If you break an enemy's will to fight, you've already won. This is known as rapid dominance and relies on overwhelming power, displays of force, and integrated teamwork. If you win the battle of PERCEPTION, you have made them lose themselves. if your looking to join us. click here for recuitment hope to see you on the battle field .
==Unit History==
The Wolf's Aces was formed from former members of the Steiner armed forces in 3040 when they left the LCAF and gathered on Outreach for assignment. House Steiner betrayed their charter with the restriction of freedoms on the Lyran Commonwealth and their shameful actions in the Fourth Succession war, and the Wolf's turned their backs to that star cluster.
Select Steiner from the Steiner Lance (Zen, Tony, Zolro, Reaper) landed in the Draconis Combine and have merged their ideals with the Shinto influence of Honour, respect, and self sacrifice. The totem animal -- the wolf -- was kept to reflect core truths of the unit. No wolf stands alone. No wolf dies alone.
We write our own history from here.
Tag: [WA]
Affiliation: Merc
Website: https://wolfsaces.enjin.com/
Game Servers:
Wolf Aces Fun house (TBA/Down]
Discord: https://discord.gg/CFQPWEbqsK
Members: 5
Recruitment Style: Open
Leaders: Command [MJR] JoshuaWolf [CCOM], [CPT] Seth Atreides [CXO], [CPT] Takmui [OIA]