Introducing the RandomBuyScript for MWLL!
Overwhelmed with choice and don't know what to buy?
Stop worrying! Just press a button, and we'll buy something for you. Will it fit your playstyle or meet the current needs of the battle? That's something for you to figure out because we have no clue.
- Simple Activation: Join a server and press a button and enter your current cbills. The script does the rest by opening the console and running a buy command for a random asset.
- Config File & Menu: Customize your experience with ease using the built-in configuration file and menu.
- Blacklist & Whitelist: Gain more control over the randomness with blacklist and whitelist options, ensuring you get the assets you want and avoid the ones you don’t.
- No Repeats: Don't want to see the same asset twice? Disable repeats!
- Separate Air Asset Hotkey: Now with a dedicated hotkey for air assets.
- Restriction List Editor: Edit your asset restrictions directly within the script.
- Somewhat Idiot Proof: with improved reliability and user prompts.
Usage Instructions:
- Download the EXE: No need to install AutoHotkey (AHK) v2. Simply download the compiled executable.
- Place inside a folder: It will generate some additional files for saving settings and such.
- Run the Script, read and confirm any info popups.
- Configure your settings and hit apply.
- Join a MWLL Server: The script needs to be activated while you're in a server.
- Initial Setup: On first activation, the script may need to run a command to generate a prices.txt file. Note: This will crash your game if you are not in a MWLL server.
- Press the Activation Key: The default key is Delete, but this can be customized in the configuration menu.
- Enter your current cbills: Enter your current cbill balance into the popup
- If no commands are executed: (check the console), re-run the script with Admin Privileges.
- Enjoy the Randomness: Sit back and see what random asset you get!
- Close the Script: by pressing the X in the Config Menu or stopping the script in the Task Tray.
Download Link:
The script is a compiled autohotkey script, so you wont need to install anything else.
Config Menu Explained:
- Link to the forum post so you can check for new versions or leave feedback
- Hotkey field for ground assets: Simply click the field and press the desired button combination. For more advanced hotkey combinations or keys that don't get automatically recognized you can edit the config.ini manually using the keylist found here.
- Hotkey for the air assets: Same as the above.
- Checkbox if the config menu should appear when starting the script.
- Asset Restriction: A dropdown menu that allows you to activate the Black- or Whitelist. The work as expected assets list prevents the contained assets from being rolled while the whitelist only allows those listed inside to be rolled. The lists can be edited in using the button below or by editing the text files directly. When editing manually be sure to add the CL or IS prefixes when adding individual variants, you can also add all variants of an asset by just adding its name without the prefix and no Variant suffix.
- Wait Time for the Commands: There is a small delay inserted between certain actions of the script so they get executed correctly. Decreasing it speeds up the scripts execution but can lead to instability like commands not being pasted into the game console correctly.
- No repeating Assets: When off the same assets can be rolled multiple times, most noticeable at low cbillls or with high scaling factors. Session means that until the script is restarted or new settings are applied assets wont repeat. Finally persistent means that assets bought with the script will be saved to a file and will only reset if the file is deleted or if all available assets (takes Restriction Lists into account) have been bought.
- Price Weight Scaling Factor: This determines how much the price of an assets influences its likeliness to be rolled. 0 is off and everything is equally likely. 1 means that if something is double the price as another asset it's twice as likely to be rolled. Increasing it further exponentially increases the price weight scaling. weight = (price in k)factor ; likeliness = weight/(sum of all weights) ; when comparing two assets (relative price diff)factor describes how much more likely the more expensive asset is.
- Result Info: Displays a tooltip with the rolled asset, its chance, how much towards the top of the cbill limit it is and from how many assets it was chosen.
- Path to the MWLL Folder: this is needed for the script to automatically detected changes in the game version to get the correct asset data. You can either type it in the box, browse to in in a folder browser or detect it automatically if the game or the launcher are running.
- Apply saves the settings and applies them to the script.
- Reset resets all settings to their default values.
- (3.8.2024): Created forum post, added Config Menu Explanation
- (10.8.2024): scaling factor now works with floats, added result Info option, some code cleanup/refactor
Known Issues:
Source Code:
The source code is currently available on a per request basis until I clean up the code a bit more at which point I'll make it available on Gitlab.
Support and Feedback:
Feel free to share your experiences, report bugs, or suggest new features in this thread.
Happy Random Buying!