1) I could try to make some videos. The Fafnir thing both bothers me and doesn't both me. It bothers me because they have so much armor that when you rule out their back, it takes more than a full load of C8 to kill them. But it doesn't bother me all that much because they're already giant BA landing pads (although this actually makes it easy for friends to shoot you off of them). I am sure I took a video once upon a time, but I can try it again sometime. It's a pretty simple repro. The bad thing is grenades not sticking to vehicles, and it's one of the reasons why tanks seem kind of OP at times; used to be that infantry was a good counter to Demo/Morrigu spam (this seemed intentional). Then they added Hull, and then this workaround was introduced... You can't even land on vehicles because since their vision of their top is unimpeded, they can always shoot you. So now Demos/Morrigus actually hard counter BA instead of the other way around.
2) Yeah. It seems only the most experienced players know about the bug, and I've seen it confuse and frustrate new players. Either way, it's a good way to give away your APC's position. I'd love a fix.
3) Was this introduced recently? This wasn't the case in the last version I played. I'll download the latest version and walk up to a wall and blast it with an SSRM to confirm. This bug is less frequent than it used to be (probably because of faster, more stable servers), but it's horrible when it happens. It wouldn't be acceptable if other assets could severely damage or even kill themselves randomly in one click.
4) I was talking about the change that makes SSRMs not wire-guided when un-locked anymore.